FJF Licensing Solutions


We provide a consultation service where you can discuss your needs, and we will look to provide an affordable solution to suit your requirements. The consultation is free, and there is no obligation for you to proceed.

We can prepare and submit applications for:

  • A New Premises Licence
  • Varying an existing Premises Licence
  • A Personal Licence
  • Varying the DPS
  • Transferring a Premises Licence
  • Temporary Events

We are based in the Bedford / Milton Keynes area and have many clients across the country - London, Kent, Surrey, Dorset, Leicester, Manchester, Leeds and many more.

We have represented many clients at Licensing Sub Committee hearings in respect of applications for premises licences, varying existing licences and at review hearings where licences have been under threat of revocation.

 Whatever your licensing need, we are here to help.