We are associated with a Licensing Training provider based in Luton and Bedford - who are able to offer training in many aspects of licensing.
Courses are held in Luton and Bedford but we are also able to deliver courses at your own preferred venue.
Training is delivered by BIIAB approved trainers who specialise in the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) and the Award for Responsible Alcohol Training (ARAR).
The APLH qualification is a requirement if an individual wants to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol, and this is our most popular training course.
The ARAR qualification is aimed at other staff working in licensed premises and introduces the learner to the licensing laws and the social responsibilities when selling alcohol.
Other training courses are also available
We also provide a full days training for the licensed trade which is entitled 'Reducing The Risk' - how to avoid the many pitfalls associated with managing a licensed premises.
Please send us an email to discuss your training requirements.